My PMS began to decrease in 2 weeks 🤩
About 6 months ago, at the age of 48, I began to suffer very acute premenstrual symptoms. The days were so emotionally hard that they even prevented me from working. I visited several doctors in different specialized clinics and tried various traditional allopathic methods, until one doctor recommended Hormone Yoga Therapy to me as one of the possible options. I did not hesitate. I decided to do this natural therapy before trying any medication and I was right. At the end of each session I could feel the size and location of my ovaries, a revealing and very special sensation, I felt the stimulation in my body and in two weeks my premenstrual symptoms began to decrease. My body has reacted very well to the Hormone Yoga Therapy, experiencing all the positive benefits. I recommend this method to support your health and to improve your well-being.
As a nurse, I recommend HYT to all women of all ages.
I've worked as an oncology nurse for more than 40 years. I practice yoga regularly, eat healthy and I have always had a proper lifestyle. However, since the menopause I noticed that my energy levels were declining and I experienced some post-menopausal discomforts. In addition, I almost had a burn out so I had to take time off work. On the advice of my friend, I decided to try Hormone Yoga Therapy course. The best decision! This practice gave me a new lease of life! I feel now full of energy and more balanced in body and mind. As a nurse, I recommend Hormone Yoga Therapy to all women of all ages. This practice helps to increase hormone production and restore the balance in the endocrine system. Many female medical issues are related to hormonal imbalances so this practice is very effective to support women's health in a natural way. A gift for your health and wellbeing!
While it's not a magic solution, it's brought tremendous relief
I decided to start with Hormone Yoga Therapy when my period didn't return after stopping birth control pills. Initially, I wasn't concerned about my missing menstruation since I didn't want children. However, my mood fluctuated, my libido decreased, and I developed teenage-like skin—but I didn't know how to balance my hormones. My gynecologist's only solution was to resume the pill, which wasn't the answer I wanted. So I tried Hormone Yoga Therapy. After just two months of consistent practice, people commented that I looked relaxed and was glowing from within. At first, I didn't attribute this to my new practice. Then my partner asked if I stopped experiencing PMS, and he was right! I wasn't experiencing my usual pre-menstrual moodiness, temper, and irritability. Instead, I felt content. My previously unpredictable and long menstrual cycle also became regular. While it's not a magic solution and I still feel my period approaching, it's brought tremendous relief. I now feel prepared for perimenopause and menopause. With the right tools, we don't have to suffer.
My doctor in Germany advised me to learn HYT... I feel a difference
One of my doctor in Germany advised me to learn Hormone Yoga Therapy as a supportive resource to take time to focus on myself during a very busy and stressful period in my life, combined with a very irregular menstruation condition. Since then, I have been practicing Hormone Yoga Therapy approximately four times a week and I feel a difference in the overall sensation of my body. Knowing this therapeutic practice has meant a change to a new self-awareness and self knowledge.
I do not practice the complete routine as frequently as I should, yet... 😍😍 my menstrual cycle has become regular and I have even lost weight!
I learned about yoga when I was 17 years old. At that time I practiced it to relax and meditate. Today I am 42 years old; and for 20 years I have lived with a silent disease - hypothyroidism; which causes my hormones to be unbalanced and neither my body nor my mind function 'normally'.
After the first class, my body already felt 'lighter' and I had more energy! I must clarify that I am not a very disciplined person and I do not practice the complete routine as frequently as I should, yet, I do notice the changes in my body, my menstrual cycle has become regular and I have even lost weight! We all deserve a gift like this, taking care of ourselves and understanding our body.
It takes me only 30 minutes to practice. So give yourself a wonderful gift by learning hormone yoga.
I started to experience some irregularities in my menstruation (more PMS, less regular), so I intuitively felt that I wanted to join the Hormone Yoga Therapy course. I was amazed at the impact of the relatively easy yoga poses (after the first lesson I slept like a baby). I now experience positive effects, even when following the easier adaptations more suitable for my body: my period is regular again, I hardly suffer from PMS anymore and my mood is more stable. And it takes me only 30 minutes to practice. So give yourself a wonderful gift by learning hormone yoga. 🌺🌺
Brain fog and irritability subsided quickly. While I still experience occasional night sweats, they're less frequent 💗 ...
I discovered Hormone Yoga Therapy while researching ways to manage my perimenopausal symptoms. I was struggling with night sweats—waking up hot, throwing off the duvet, then lying awake for hours. The system includes dozen of yoga poses, which might be familiar if you've done yoga before. Don't worry if you're new to yoga though—all poses can be adapted to suit different abilities. The method combines these poses with warm-up exercises, breathing techniques, visualization, and relaxation. After practicing regularly for two months and tracking my progress, I've noticed significant improvements. Brain fog and irritability subsided quickly. While I still experience occasional night sweats, they're less frequent 💗 and usually only occur on warm nights. Now, twelve weeks in, I'm sleeping better, have more energy, and my mind feels clearer.
I have lost weight in a sustained way 💃... We women need to give ourselves this gift!
For several years I have had high prolactin and with it, other hormonal problems such as premenstrual syndrome, slow metabolism and a lot of stress. The universe led me to take the Hormone Yoga Therapy course. I practice the routine 1 to 4 times a week and I have noticed the positive effects. My period comes with less discomfort and is more regular. I have lost weight in a sustained way, which means that my metabolism is stabilizing too! We women need to give ourselves this gift!
I sleep excellent and I have no more hot flashes.
Since a couple of years ago, I have been suffering from strong symptoms as a consequence of the menopause. Weight gain, hot flashes at night, insomnia, etc. I read about Hormone Yoga Therapy and I decided to take the course. From the first class I began to notice the changes, it did me a lot of good! A couple of months later, I continue to keep my balance, I sleep excellent and I have no more hot flashes. I practice this yoga twice a week and in addition to help me to reduce the symptoms of menopause, this practice help me to meditate, allowing a moment for myself during the day. I recommend it to every woman who is going through this phase of her life, it's fantastic!!!
My menstrual cycle returned, and my emotional state became more balanced. I'm deeply grateful for this fantastic method.
When I was 50, I started to feel strong menopause symptoms, accompanied by hormonal and emotional imbalances, typical of this process. The Hormone Yoga Therapy course was very valuable. I was surprised to realize how disconnected I had been from my ovaries. By the second yoga class, I was already able to sense them and perform my exercises with focused attention and energy according to my needs. To my surprise, my menstrual cycle returned, and my emotional state became more balanced. I'm deeply grateful for this fantastic method.
my periods began to come regularly every month ❤️❤️❤️
I am currently 45 years old and five years ago I suffered a burnout. Since then I have irregular menstruation, even sometimes it only comes three to four times a year. When I started with Hormone Yoga Therapy, my periods began to come regularly every month. I also feel more energy and vitality.
with PCOS... The practice gives my body an overall energy boost, a higher libido, and it has made my cycles more regular and less heavy
Since I was a teenager I’ve been struggling with PCOS. My cycles tend to be very irregular and with a heavy flow. I also have PMDD, so I get intense mood swings during the luteal phase of my cycle. I’ve always been interested in natural methods to regulate my hormones, so when I came across HYT I instantly felt called to participate. Hormone yoga has taught me how to connect better with my womb and calm my nervous system. The practice also gives my body an overall energy boost, a higher libido, and it has made my cycles more regular and less heavy than before.
I can finally get pregnant 😍
I would like to tell you that after only four lessons of Hormone Yoga Therapy for Women I had already fantastic results. I am 47 years old and even now I go on dreaming of getting pregnant. The first hormone the doctors look is FSH*, that should be less than 10. My last FSH* test was 19,2. After practicing Hormone Yoga Therapy for one month and hopping god would help me, after 4 classes the FSH decreased to 6,7.